
Monday, November 29, 2010


AW what a day I'm happy to know my dad is a great patient and that he is so willing to help me! Sad thing today was I didn't get to do everything I wanted because he showed up late!!! YIKES! My first day and my patient is late! I'm so happy I can help him though. Some days I wish I could really convey to patients how serious and important it is to do that regular care each and everyday! My dad was very comforting and really nice to come and help me I can't tell you how grateful I am to have such an understanding Father who loves me even though he was late.  I felt like today went well but I definitely need to remember the flow and what needs to be done. Well I'm signing out I'm extremely tired. Later!

Clinic 11-17-10

Ok so I finished my patient today and it was very stressful! I think I did the worse I could possibly do today. I hope I improve from this because I feel like I'm useless at this point. I'm definitely excited for the break so I can reread everything! I hope I can become one of the best clinicians I can be!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Clinic 11-15-10

Well here it is I was the operator for the whole day today! Wow I'm actually really impressed with myself. I think I did pretty good but I don't want to brag about the chart stuff I'll write more when I get to scale the whole mouth!. Well my back hurts and my awesome boyfriend is waiting for me so later! :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Clinic AS PATIENT! Nov 10th!

YAY! I got finished today and man it seemed like a long appointment but I was so happy to see that everything is do-able! They keep telling us you need to do this, you need to do that.. but when you put it all together is awesome how much you can get done and how awesome you are at getting into the routine. Heather again was the best operator! and I was happy to have her! I also enjoyed my blanket and loved the full cleaning! One draw back I do have to say is that varnish feels so bad for the four hours you just want to scrape it OFF! lol oh well I have way clean and healthy teeth and i will continue with my goal of flossing.
Well back to the old books and models! Later!


Wow as the patient it was really nice to see all the motions at work! Wow, you can get so stressed and worried all at the same time. Usually I was worrying about things with the operator but it went really well! Heather Tau'a was the most awesome operator and was very good at scaling along with all the paper work! And it was so gracious of her to let me go first as patient and let me see the tricks of the trade. As a patient I can see how our patients can get really tired through out the cleaning but if you give them a blanket and a nice brushing :) I think it makes up for everything! that's it for now OVER and out!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Alright every one! since I was feeling horrible on monday I sucessfully recovered today by passing all my PE's!... early I might add, did awesome on the air powder polisher, and was priviledged to ULTRANSONIC SCALE! it was so cool but I do need practice. Whitney was an awesome patient who was very patient and so sweet to put up with me. Well that was all for today so yeah LOL peace out.


Well can I say, rad today was alright but clinic was a disaster!! Man, Some times I feel like I do that best I can and I still get scolded! Today my partner and I were the very very last people out of clinic because I ran to ever instructor and they told me they were coming, then I screwed up a sealant, and then I was very last to get my PE passed off because i guess every instructor forgot I had asked. Little to say it was not my day. So I guess I'll leave it as that....

Monday, October 25, 2010

Clinic 10-25-10

Hey ya, well radiology was good and yahoo we got free lunch today. Clinic was also great we got to pick our own partners! I was paired up with sarah and she was awesome. I can't say my mind is some where else today but I guess it all comes down too I love clinic. I love this program! I can't tell you how sad I would be if I had to leave or kicked out. I know that this is my passion and dream, and for dreams this good you have to work for them!.... Anyways off to take a test. Have a great day!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

YAY CLINIC! 10-20-10

Well in short last monday I had a complete melt down. Nothing went right, I was not feeling well, stressed, and pretty much overwelmed with everything! But today was better, Marianne really made my day. I was her patient today in clinic and didn't brush my teeth for two days so she could get some major plague off. She was calm, collected and easy going that she just made my day and made me seem like the goal is in sight and that I'm not completely awful some days. I passed off all of my PE's and in general today is ending up really good. Now I just hope the tests and errands go well and get done today! Oh also a special shout out and thank you to the best Boyfriend in the world who let's me study his mouth constantly and searching out ways to help me. I love you nate!!! and Thank you so much for picking up the slack where I fail at doing daily chores :P. Have a fabulous day every one!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Yes ladies and gents I have successfully passed my PE today.. wow and it was a rocky road! I was so mixed up and confused that was so hard. Anyways I got to work with the best partner today! She was so sweet to let me practice on her over and over again! I can't tell you how much I truely love these girls! I love that we all help eachother out and give eachother confidence! It's the best feeling in the world to know that somebody cares! Other then the PE today I'd say it was very successful and well worth the time and effort! I'm excited for more and can't wait to get off early this week! yay!!! So see ya! HAVE A FABULOUS DAY!!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

EXPLOER PE! and clinic on the 11th!!!

Today, I can't lie, was a little nerve racking. It's funny how much you can practice and move on to new things like scaling then step back to the basics of exploring, and you realize you forgot everything lol. So yes I was a little nervous to pass the PE off today but I learned alot and had fun doing it. LOL I'm so good  at it that my patient even fell asleep while I was working on her. Ha Ha so that was funny, we also got to brush one anothers teeth and do our Biofilm index. Now that was pretty embarrassing when I found out that I'm missing some areas that I thought i had been really working on. Either way it was really fun. I thought us brushing our patients teeth was a great idea and an easy way to show them how to properly brush and enjoy the massage. AW to have some one give me a cleaning every day :).......... So it's almost halloween and I'm throughly stoked!!!!!! But ya that's about it for today so I'll writ more later!


So i so excited to get home today I'm just going to rush this one! Clinic was fun but way long! lol so I need to scat! but just what tori is acing all her tests!!! :) way cool I'm so stoked to do this! We did posterior scalers and Tanya was so kind to let me torture her while she was sick... :( poor girl but what a trooper! :) I'm so excited for this weekend I can't stand it!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Anterior Scaler clinic 10-4-10

Radiology CLINC!

LOL today we mounted our xrays and passed off our bitewing PE! I  especially had the best time chatting with Instructor Vyning of how to get an Xray retaken. Lol going into full detail about the conversation and actions between instructor and student. LOL after I was have way into it Intructor Vyning laughed and told me " Tori you're telling me everything the student said .. I think you know what your doing, just stop, you pass lol." I was busting out laughing as he proceeds to mimick me... " And she said, and I said, and we did," LOL It was funny you had to be there, I guess I ramble alot when I'm nervous :) But all in all I passed!! YAY!


I was so stoked for clinic! Today we did anterior scaling, and let me tell you it's harder then it looks. There is a specific technic and peviting action that requires major finger strength! lol After we worked on the typodont ( fake mouths) we worked on one another! It was great! I had a great pt..... and I did really well I think with minimal poking. HA HA HA but after I was done man it felt like I had run a marathon! I was so tired and tight it was ridiculous!!! lol I was way happy for my turn and to go home lol. But yeah great day!!! Great day!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I really enjoy Wednesdays, it's my short day so it always makes a good clinic day :)
Today was really awesome I passed off two PE's and now I'm ahead! I also got to learn an even more efficent way to do my intra-oral exam so it doesn't take forever and I can remember everything! I'm really happy today because I can take a nap, finish radiology because I'm a ahead on that and just get caught up on everything! My second year observation is tomorrow and we're seeing a class 3 so it should be really interesting. Well I'm going home now but more blogging tomorrow to talk about my most awesome day with Stephanie! lol


Monday, September 27, 2010


LOL I know funny title right? but that's exactly what we did :) Today in clinic we have now entered the stage where we can actually scrape stuff off one anothers teeth. :D It's so exciting to be getting this close but it seems so far away. Honestly the weekends are blurs and not nearly long enough; Clinic and class keep me so busy I haven't been able to really relax and get out for a while. But through all of it it's worth it and exactly what I'm looking for.

Radiology wasn't that fun today, I was extremely prepared made sure I studied the PE and looked ahead on the modules to go to clinic and totally take Xrays on the wrong side.... ugh if it's not one thing it's another lol.
Well enough for today I'm going home to see my boyfriend who has been grocery shopping for me all day and I can't wait to see what he got.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

If you didn't know hygiene rocks!

I just want to say that this program is amazing and that even though it's only been a month I've learned more than I thought I could in such a short time.

WEDNESDAY the 22nd post!

I can't believe it! We actually got to probe today! It was one of the coolest experiences! what probing is is the way we check the patients pocket depth to see if there is any bone loss or periodontal disease. It was COOL! the only thing though that messed up the day was the fact that all our probes were broken and now we will have to ship them back and hopefully get our new ones soon. After clinic we had a guess speaker from UDHA who talked to us about the practice act and how they are trying to get the ADA to approve Hygienists in utah  to work in serperate practices without being under the supervision of a dentist. I guess i'm kinda of torn.... I do believe that the UDHA is doing a great thing and working hard in every aspect. But on the same note I feel to get more hygienists to join they should either lower the price or say free membership for everyone and have them pay for conventions seperately or have the ones pay to get the benefits. I really am torn. It all comes down too I support this group and what ever I can do to support my peers then that is what I'm going to do.

Monday the 20th blog

Well here we are still working away on one another, today we did our health history PE and that was changing. And to top off the whole day yay! I got to work in the mouth now for my third time! It was a lot of fun! and I enjoyed every minute of it! Next rad day we'll start passing off a lot of our PE's and then it just keeps getting busier and busier from there... wow ok sorry so short but I have to run! laters!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


YESTERDAY ROCKED! It was extremely fun! We actually got to use instruments in each other's teeth! yes granted we didn't get  to use them and were only allowed to touch the surfaces of the teeth but IT WAS GREAT! after we performed our extra oral exams on one another we then were allowed to proceed to the intra oral exam. It wasn't a complete intra oral exam but it was fun anyways. After about an hour of working on our partners we then got to see a classmate that we've never seen before! I think we learned alot and I'm really excited to actually start working with the scalers and get into that calculus! :D well that all for now! can't wait until MONDAY!

Monday, September 13, 2010


To start off today we had RADIOLOGY!!!!!! lol it was really fun learning the bisecting technique! Instructor Vyning always makes my day! lol he is so down to earth and has a way of teaching that makes you think and understand what your doing. I really enjoyed his class today.

In clinic we practiced vital signs and passed off the PE for maintaince and positioning :) Wow I'm so excited I'm starting to feel like a real hygienist! Oh yeah by the way I've totally rocked my last Radiology test!!! YAHOO! I'm doing so good and staying so on top of everything! It's like everything is finally clicking and working out. I have to admit when I first came into this program I was really unsure of how I would do and if I would remember all the things that need to be done, but as I've learned and studied I've become much more aware and excited about the whole dental field! It great to have things work out and have your confidence high! I just hope I can keep up this streak. This weekend we have the Dental Hygienists Convention! I'm really looking forward to meeting all the other girls in their program and how much they are learning as well.

Well ack to the grind! :) have a great Day!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Legal papers, Vital signs, and Drug look up

Clinic today was really productive we got to go over our clinic partners health history and look up all the hormons, drugs, and medical alerts for one another. It was great because not only did I get to use the book to look up hormons but I was able to google and find another source for information. After going over Health histories we were then taught the correct way to write on the treatment record and to fully understand and be protected through documents. I really enjoy working with our instructors! they bring such a fun and positive atmosphere to the clinic and enjoy us students learning and reaching for our goals. As a clinician i don't think I realized the importance of procedures and continuing to document things in the same manner every time. I know that these skills have really taught me to be more organized and look for new ways to improve methods. Well I stayed up all last night making cookies and now I'm off to eat them..... Following a deep brushing and flossing ;P Later!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Scaling positions and all around sitting technics

Today started off really good! I woke up with a smile because I love clinic, and actually got ready with enough time to have a really good breakfast! but lol in my enthusiastic rush to the door I failed to remember a book for clinic lol, gees this program is really teaching me to be on my toes because honestly some ways I have to learn things is to do them wrong of feel unsure and then blam next time I'm extremely on the ball. I hope I can carry the preparedness through out my whole life! Thanks so much to all my clinic friends for sharimng and helping me.

Now if i thought I was sitting correctly before I sure am correcting it now :D  It's really interesting to see and hear how bad posture can kill your live style and most importantly your career. One of our instructors shared with us how she had been practicing and not useing correct sitting positions and had to end up retiring for 5 years and doing physical therapy. Luckily she is back today helping us and sharing awesome stories! :D I can't tell you how this program has critically impacted my life, my ideal in practices, and my opinions of how to give full patient care while protecting yourself. I know that I will definitely pass this things on as I continue with hygiene.

The next thing we worked on today was where you should be sitting with the patient and how to more efficently access the patient's mouth. I was so excited to practice and realized lol i have a lot to learn with that also but the good news is I'm getting a lot faster with my teeth numbers and where they are located! YES! well that's it for now have to run to do HW. SEE YA!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Third Day of Clinic!!!

CLINIC ROCKS! As a student I have to say this is one of the hardest and yet coolest things I've ever done! Today in clinic we learned how to set up and take down exposure control and practiced suctioning on one another! LOL I'll be the first to say that I wasn't very good at it and I was extremely nervous I hope my clinic partners will forgive me. This last week has been so hard honestly I feel like I've never been this scattered brained and that it's a game to catch up and be on top of everything. This last test that we just took I have to say wasn't my best... I feel lost at times to what we need to study I'm sure it will get better with time but I definitely need lots of study groups and learning sessions. On top of everything I guess you could say starting out with school this year hasn't been easy. Working two jobs, having no money for school this year, and trying to take care of family, friends, along with the apartment situation has left me with no sleep and less confidence. On a more positive note though it's monday ( which has become my new favorite day) and I don't have to make dinner tonight :). I really think all the girls who have gotten into this program are such an inspiration to me and hope that I can get to know all of them; starting with my bad memory for names :). NE ways I'm out for today but good luck to all those 2012 girls! You're amazing! and it was so good to see ya today!!! Laterz!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Second day! in clinic and lots to do!

Today was a little slower paced then the past few days but I absolutely loved it! We were able to start passing off our PE's and working on our Typodonts. For all of those who don't know what a typodont is it a model with rubber around it to simulate a mouth and lips, and it contains teeth for us to practice on. Our lesson for today was scrubbing up and being clean as well as working with the air-water syringe while we suction. It was so much fun to actually meet the inventor of the Blue boa and being shown great techinques to take with into other clinics. I think Clinic is going to be my favorite part of this whole dental experience because I love the hands on and "getting dirty" as some call it. I'm really looking forward to next week where we can do it all again. I think I've already learned alot but I'm excited to learn more. :D I hope my first Rad Class goes well wish me luck! ;)

Monday, August 23, 2010


Aw first day of clinic! that's where all the fun begins! Today I started my day off with the most awesome radiology class... we began searching the clinic, awing at the ancient dipping xrays and amazed that our dexters have real TEETH!!! Crazy? I think so :D After our break we then continued our adventure through the main clinic!  We were all assigned clinic drawers and fruity passwords that hopefully we can all spell ha ha. After which we scheduled ourselves as REAL HYGIENIST in the computer! I don't know about anyone else but it's nice to be the one on the schedule for a change. I left with a better knowledge of the program, more confidence, and great stories to blackmail my classmates with ;P JK. I think today has made me even more excited to get started and to be more envolved as I leave for other oppertunities in the future. AND this probably won't be my last post today but I just have to say HOW AWESOME OUR CLASS OF 2012 IS!!! I mean come on you can all tell we totally rock!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm totally awesome!!!

This is my first post! YAY! I'm already on my new found journey of Dental Hygiene with the most awesome Class of 2012!!!!!