
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Second day! in clinic and lots to do!

Today was a little slower paced then the past few days but I absolutely loved it! We were able to start passing off our PE's and working on our Typodonts. For all of those who don't know what a typodont is it a model with rubber around it to simulate a mouth and lips, and it contains teeth for us to practice on. Our lesson for today was scrubbing up and being clean as well as working with the air-water syringe while we suction. It was so much fun to actually meet the inventor of the Blue boa and being shown great techinques to take with into other clinics. I think Clinic is going to be my favorite part of this whole dental experience because I love the hands on and "getting dirty" as some call it. I'm really looking forward to next week where we can do it all again. I think I've already learned alot but I'm excited to learn more. :D I hope my first Rad Class goes well wish me luck! ;)

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