
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Curse you anteriors!!!

So lately anteriors has been my weak link! I'm trying my best and I swear I'm doing the best I can but it seems like that spot always gets me. I have now given the explorer the back seat to my air and water. I feel like I get a lot more done and I'm more efficient the more air I spray! It definitely helped me today on my second patient so I'm banking on it from now on.
Today was alright I guess patient wise I finished my mockboard and saw a huge change in tissue as well as my class 2 patient who did not speak a word of english. In the afternoon I did my best to pass off as many PE's as possible but with no success since I guess my patient didn't have a need for the diagnodent .... I don't think that's right but you go with the flow I guess. Anyways at the last part of my day when my patient had left I realized that I now need to schedule two a days and searched for people to help. In my luck Karlie had some sealants to spare and I got to do 4 of them. So I guess it all kinda worked out, until next time ....

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Clinic bust!!!

So here I am conquring the world with my class two in the morning! I'm scaling I'm using N2O I'm teaching, I'm passing off PE's, and I only missed two spots in the whole mouth, I felt like I was on top of the world and then... came the afternoon. ....

My patient came in and I was looking forward to an easy class 5 and to get a little bit of a break but I happened to check her blood glucose and just like that I couldn't see my patient. Not only was her fasting glucose 170 but when I had the oppertunity to check she was 243! Yikes! We can only treat people like this in emergency situations I was worried that I wasn't going to get the requirements done before the semester because I'm completely booked. Well as it turns out I needed one more 1B and one of the translators happened to be there. I grabbed her as fast as I could and got her in my chair. It didn't take long and I got 4BWX but when I got my scale check.... I MISSED ALL THE LOWER ANTERIORS! Gees can you believe this? Well sheet calculus is the devil and that ruined my perfect day... I guess better luck next time

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mockboards OHHH YEA....

Well after I had nightmares all last night, that I thought would never have I woke up for mockboards in kind of a rush. I got there and I do have to say the paper work was a little flustering but MY PATIENT SHOWED UP! Yes every one that was the highlight of my day lol. I have had the worst luck this semester and to finally have something go smoothly was awesome. That was until I cleaned my patient and saw her gums were rampaged!!!! YIKES! I was in such a panic I have never had a patient look this beat up after a cleaning. So my job soon went from Calculus removal to cleaning up that papilla. After I spent my last half hour  making her not bleed I gave her to the deciding factor of the examiners. Well turns out I did everything I was supposed to do and that some times that tissue is so trapped by that calculus deposit that by the time you clean it, it's unavoidable damage. Professor Alexander just explained to me to place a comment to the examiners in the comments box "tissue friable." Man that put my terror to ease and I was able to buy my patient perioguard and send her on her way. So I guess that day of fluster turned out to be one of my best clinic days! Funny how things work out lol Congrats to all the WSU DH students who did their best which we all know they did no matter the score!