
Monday, August 30, 2010

Third Day of Clinic!!!

CLINIC ROCKS! As a student I have to say this is one of the hardest and yet coolest things I've ever done! Today in clinic we learned how to set up and take down exposure control and practiced suctioning on one another! LOL I'll be the first to say that I wasn't very good at it and I was extremely nervous I hope my clinic partners will forgive me. This last week has been so hard honestly I feel like I've never been this scattered brained and that it's a game to catch up and be on top of everything. This last test that we just took I have to say wasn't my best... I feel lost at times to what we need to study I'm sure it will get better with time but I definitely need lots of study groups and learning sessions. On top of everything I guess you could say starting out with school this year hasn't been easy. Working two jobs, having no money for school this year, and trying to take care of family, friends, along with the apartment situation has left me with no sleep and less confidence. On a more positive note though it's monday ( which has become my new favorite day) and I don't have to make dinner tonight :). I really think all the girls who have gotten into this program are such an inspiration to me and hope that I can get to know all of them; starting with my bad memory for names :). NE ways I'm out for today but good luck to all those 2012 girls! You're amazing! and it was so good to see ya today!!! Laterz!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Second day! in clinic and lots to do!

Today was a little slower paced then the past few days but I absolutely loved it! We were able to start passing off our PE's and working on our Typodonts. For all of those who don't know what a typodont is it a model with rubber around it to simulate a mouth and lips, and it contains teeth for us to practice on. Our lesson for today was scrubbing up and being clean as well as working with the air-water syringe while we suction. It was so much fun to actually meet the inventor of the Blue boa and being shown great techinques to take with into other clinics. I think Clinic is going to be my favorite part of this whole dental experience because I love the hands on and "getting dirty" as some call it. I'm really looking forward to next week where we can do it all again. I think I've already learned alot but I'm excited to learn more. :D I hope my first Rad Class goes well wish me luck! ;)

Monday, August 23, 2010


Aw first day of clinic! that's where all the fun begins! Today I started my day off with the most awesome radiology class... we began searching the clinic, awing at the ancient dipping xrays and amazed that our dexters have real TEETH!!! Crazy? I think so :D After our break we then continued our adventure through the main clinic!  We were all assigned clinic drawers and fruity passwords that hopefully we can all spell ha ha. After which we scheduled ourselves as REAL HYGIENIST in the computer! I don't know about anyone else but it's nice to be the one on the schedule for a change. I left with a better knowledge of the program, more confidence, and great stories to blackmail my classmates with ;P JK. I think today has made me even more excited to get started and to be more envolved as I leave for other oppertunities in the future. AND this probably won't be my last post today but I just have to say HOW AWESOME OUR CLASS OF 2012 IS!!! I mean come on you can all tell we totally rock!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm totally awesome!!!

This is my first post! YAY! I'm already on my new found journey of Dental Hygiene with the most awesome Class of 2012!!!!!