
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Legal papers, Vital signs, and Drug look up

Clinic today was really productive we got to go over our clinic partners health history and look up all the hormons, drugs, and medical alerts for one another. It was great because not only did I get to use the book to look up hormons but I was able to google and find another source for information. After going over Health histories we were then taught the correct way to write on the treatment record and to fully understand and be protected through documents. I really enjoy working with our instructors! they bring such a fun and positive atmosphere to the clinic and enjoy us students learning and reaching for our goals. As a clinician i don't think I realized the importance of procedures and continuing to document things in the same manner every time. I know that these skills have really taught me to be more organized and look for new ways to improve methods. Well I stayed up all last night making cookies and now I'm off to eat them..... Following a deep brushing and flossing ;P Later!

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